Food is Light
The effects of food on our health are profound. But new research shows it’s not the nutrients that provide the largest benefits of food.
When we consume food, the primary benefit has always been to get a particular thing within that food. This is the basis for food being healthy or unhealthy. If we have foods with less nutrients, they give us less of what we need to work optimally.
Researchers are now finding that the majority of a food’s benefit isn’t from these larger molecules acting as nutrients, but from smaller particles in food called electrons.
It’s all about electrons
When we consume a food, it’s made up of a combination of macros including carbs, fat, and protein.
It turns out that these basic macros aren’t what our cells run on to power our body and organs. Our cells break down these macros into smaller components, eventually extracting electrons found within the food.
Carbs, fat, and protein all hold different amounts of electrons. Fat has around twice as many electrons as carbs or protein. These electrons are used to power the mitochondria in your cells — the powerhouse of your cell.
Electrons in food are programmed by sunlight
These electrons are encoded with information from the light environment the good grew in. This is a critical signal to your cells.
Light and electrons are essentially interchangeable, meaning that we can discuss electrons as light themselves.
Mitochondrial health
The more we learn about the health of our mitochondria in our cells, the more we are beginning to understand how they form the basis for our overall health.
Because mitochondria power every cell in your body, your cells work better when their mitochondria are working better. When the cell is working better, it does it’s job better. Whether it’s a skin cell, brain cell, heart cell, or liver cell, it will be able to do it’s respective work more efficiently.
Maximizing food electrons for optimal wellbeing
Fueling your mitochondria by giving them as many electrons as possible will make everything work better in your body — preventing disease, optimizing energy levels, elevating mood, and even balancing out your hormones.
There are a few ways to increase the electrons in your body:
- Eat more electron rich foods that are higher in healthy fats. Avoid man-made fats as these never existed in nature and will cause disease.
- Ground regularly. The earth is full of electrons and you will gain more by touching the earth. Crazy idea to make physical contact with nature, right? Walking barefoot is natural and important.
- Get more sunlight. The sun frees electrons in your skin through the photoelectric effect (discovered by Albert Einstein). Light colliding with melanin (tan skin) frees electrons from melanin, allowing your body to use them.
Your cells run on electrons, and the more you have the better your body will run. Food has beneficial nutrients, but the primary purpose of food is as a vessel of electrons that can be used to run your cells. The mitochondria in your cells power the cellular functions and make them work optimally. When your cells don’t work optimally, this gives rise to disease and sub-optimal health.
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The Sunlight Cure
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Preventing Aging and Reversing Disease Through the Epigenetic Signals of Nature