Biophysics is the forefront of disease prevention
It may not seem like something as simple as light can affect your health drastically. But your body relies entirely on signals from your environment to align many biological systems. Without the proper signals, disease will take over.
The key to prevent disease is to live in and with nature, because we evolved to expect it’s signals. Just like every other creature on earth, we evolved to be optimized for our environment. This is not an indoor environment and it is not one influenced by inventions less than a few hundred years old.
One such signal we need from nature is the sun.
Changing sunlight frequencies throughout the day affect
- Our hormones and mood
- The speed at which we age
- How well we sleep
Imagine what the wrong signals do to the above biological systems. Do you think living indoors with fake overhead lights is providing the same signaling as the sun?
Indoor lights never change throughout the day like the sun. They also are missing most IR (Infrared) and UV (Ultraviolet) light frequencies, both of which are invisible to the human eye.
Without IR and UV light, and without the changing frequencies of light throughout the day, our bodies cannot perform essential functions needed for wellbeing.
Trading sunlight for indoor lights
- Reduces autophagy and apoptosis during sleep, which are our two cellular cleanup programs. These minimize aging and cancer risk if they work properly. Without them, you can expect rapidly increased aging.
- Increases the protons in your body, leading to a higher net positive charge. This positive charge is what inflammation is truly at it’s core.
- Destroys the circadian clocks in your SCN (suprachiasmatic nucleus) in your brain, as well as all peripheral cell clocks. Without knowing the proper time to execute their functions, chaos ensues in your body and this is less manageable as you get older.
- Ruins your hormones, especially your melatonin and cortisol control, thyroid function, and adrenal function.
- Lowers your sex steroid hormones and reduces Vitamin D via lack of UVB light, which is essential for almost all aspects of health from immunity to mental health.
- Promotes anxiety and depression due in part to lower dopamine production from lack of UV light, alongside much lower light intensity
For those who want to have optimal health and a long health-span and life-span, it may be smart for you to test living in nature’s signals versus our man-made signals. It’s free and always available.
What to read next
The Sunlight Cure
by Kendall Toerner
Preventing Aging and Reversing Disease Through the Epigenetic Signals of Nature