Biophysics is the forefront of human optimization
Physics inside cells lies at the heart of our body’s functions. These physics are primarily interactions between charges (+/-) and light. Our bodies run on these charges, alongside signals from light, because charges can absorb and emit light.
Until recently, we have looked at human performance and health as purely chemical reactions.
Biology has ruled our thinking, and professionals haven’t yet adopted the new research found in biophysics.
As a result, we see drastically different success rates with diet and exercise programs.
To see real results, we need to look deeper than biology. We need to look at the emerging research of biophysics.
Let’s look at this new field of biophysics in simple terms, so you can understand how to use it to live your best life.
What do charges have to do with human optimization?
Biophysics is based on charges. Negative and positive charges control everything within cells.
Charges carry light information since they belong to the electromagnetic force, just like light. We are most interested in negatively charged electrons, which control all of biology and chemistry.
The amount of electrons (negative charges) you have determines how much of a negative charge your cells have. This can vary between different cells and organs in your body.
A more negative charge allows cells to work more efficiently. There are many factors that influence charge both inside and outside cells, which are covered throughout this site’s articles.
How do charges explain performance, longevity, and disease?
We make energy from food by extracting electrons from them. Different foods have more or less electrons.
Electrons are the most basic component of anti-oxidants.
Charges on free-radicals control the life and death process of cells, as well as their repair processes.
When cells can’t perform their functions well because they don’t make enough energy, they can’t be a good cell. A bad liver cell is not going to carry out it’s functions well.
Cells use signals to decide how many resources to use. The more resources they use, the faster they age.
Look, feel, and perform your best
Continue below to learn how to use the latest scientific principles of biophysics to reach your goals, whether optimizing your appearance, performance, sleep, or overall health.
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The Sunlight Cure
by Kendall Toerner
Preventing Aging and Reversing Disease Through the Epigenetic Signals of Nature